Quick Start - As You Type

Please follow these simple steps to quickly setup as you type spell checking in a web application. If you have any questions at all please contact us at support@keyoti.com

For MVC usage please see this page

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Step 1. Get your project ready (load or create it).

Step 2

Step 2. Reference the appropriate DLLs for your .NET version:

  • .NET 4/4.5:
    Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb.ASP.NETv4.dll and Keyoti.RapidSpellMDict.dll
  • .NET 2:
    Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb.ASP.NETv2.dll and Keyoti.RapidSpellMDict.dll
  • which you can find under your install dir, eg.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Keyoti Inc\RapidSpell Web .NET v6\NETCLR_v4_BIN

Step 3

Step 3. Drag a TextBox control onto your Form & set the TextMode property to Multiline.

Step 4

Step 4. Add the client files to a folder under the user web application:

Create a folder within the web application, copy the files from the 'Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common' folder and then, from within the Solution Explorer, paste them to your new folder.

.NET 2 (3/3.5) users, please check for and delete RapidSpellService.svc from the copied Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common if it is present.

(the 'Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common' folder can be found under the product installation, typically;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Keyoti Inc\RapidSpell Web .NET v6\Keyoti_RapidSpell_Web_Common)

Step 5

Step 5. Add the 'script src' tag to the page:

To automatically add the script tag, drag RapidSpell-AYT.js from the Solution Explorer on to the page source. This will add the <script type="text/javascript" src="RapidSpell-AYT.js"></script> tag to the page with the correct path.

Step 6

Step 6. Select the page with the text box as your start page, and run!

Note: To disable spell check on specific text boxes add the attribute nospell="true" to the text box.

Note: To remove the 'Add' option set the dictionary path to an empty string; rapidSpell.setParameterValue('default', 'UserDictionaryFile', '');