Keyoti Search for ASP.NET API Docs
CustomDictionaryPath Property
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.WebSearchSuggestionsCustomDictionaryPath
Keyoti Search for ASP.NET 2010
Path on the server where a custom dictionary is located.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public virtual string CustomDictionaryPath { get; set; }
Public Overridable Property CustomDictionaryPath As String
virtual property String^ CustomDictionaryPath {
	String^ get ();
	void set (String^ value);
A custom is a text file with a list of words, one per line. The words contained in it are used as acceptable spellings, and suggestions.

Assembly: Keyoti2.SearchEnginePro.Web (Module: Keyoti2.SearchEnginePro.Web) Version: 2010.4.1.609