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How do I integrate with Dev Express controls? (C#, VB.NET)


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The RapidSpell Desktop .NET product includes Dev Express demos that show how to add spell checking to controls such as XtraGrid, MemoExEdit, MemoEdit etc.  To do this a 'glue' class is included which provides a version agnostic way to interface our controls with theirs.

Please see the attachment (bottom of page) to a complete VB.NET demo project.

To add Thesaurus support to MemoEdit (and implicitly MemoExEdit) for example, the glue class can be modified as follows;

1. Locate the AYTMemoEdit class in the RapidSpell_DevExpressAdapter_Glue file - add the following two fields to the class


Private thesaurus1 As Keyoti.Thesaurus.Windows.Thesaurus

Friend WithEvents thesContextMenu As ContextMenu


Keyoti.Thesaurus.Windows.Thesaurus thesaurus1;

ContextMenu thesContextMenu;


2. This class has a method named CreateMaskBoxInstance, add the following code immediately before the call to "rapidSpellAsYouType1.TextComponent = connector"


thesaurus1 = New Keyoti.Thesaurus.Windows.Thesaurus

thesaurus1.TextBoxBase = tb

rapidSpellAsYouType1.ShowSuggestionsContextMenu = False

thesContextMenu = New ContextMenu

tb.ContextMenu = thesContextMenu



thesaurus1 = new Keyoti.Thesaurus.Windows.Thesaurus();
thesaurus1.TextBoxBase tb;
rapidSpellAsYouType1.ShowSuggestionsContextMenu = false;
thesContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
tb.ContextMenu thesContextMenu;

thesContextMenu.Popup += new EventHandler(thesContextMenu_Popup);


3. Add the context menu popup event handler, this is standard suggested thesaurus popup handler code


Private Sub thesContextMenu_Popup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles thesContextMenu.Popup


'see if any spelling suggestions

Dim spellingSuggestions As MenuItem() = Me.rapidSpellAsYouType1.GetSuggestions()

If Not (spellingSuggestions Is Nothing) Then



End If

'add synonymns (thesaurus submenu), if not in header/footer

Dim synonymsMenuItem As New MenuItem("Synonyms")


Dim thSuggestions As MenuItem() = Me.thesaurus1.GetSuggestionMenuItems()

Dim noSuggestionsMenuItem As New MenuItem("(No suggestions)")

noSuggestionsMenuItem.Enabled = False


If Not (thSuggestions Is Nothing) Then




End If

End Sub


    private void thesContextMenu_Popup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
// see if any spelling suggestions
MenuItem[] spellingSuggestions = this.rapidSpellAsYouType1.GetSuggestions();
(!(spellingSuggestions == null)) {
// add synonymns (thesaurus submenu), if not in header/footer
MenuItem synonymsMenuItem = new MenuItem("Synonyms");
MenuItem[] thSuggestions = this.thesaurus1.GetSuggestionMenuItems();
MenuItem noSuggestionsMenuItem = new MenuItem("(No suggestions)");
noSuggestionsMenuItem.Enabled = false;
(!(thSuggestions == null)) {
else {


By doing this a 'synonyms' menu item should appear when right clicking on a correctly spelled word, and spelling should appear when right clicking on an incorrectly spelled word.

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