It’s possible to use the AJAX ResultPreview feature even when not using the SearchResult control, you just have to built the link/javascript yourself. For each ResultPreview icon you want, use this block (be careful not to change the element heiracrchy) <span class='sew_previewResultWrapper'>...<img alt="Click to preview the document text" onclick="sew_toggleResultPreview(this, 'http://.../document..url', 'ResultPreview_Expander_Closed.png', 'ResultPreview_Expander_Opened.png')" src="ResultPreview_Expander_Closed.png" /><span class='sew_previewResultContent'>Loading document...</span></span> where; 'http://.../document..url' will be the URL of the result item (ie the document that is previewed) 'ResultPreview_Expander_Closed.png', 'ResultPreview_Expander_Opened.png' are images from our Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common folder To make it work you must include these client files on the page too <script src="ResultPreview.js" type='text/javascript'></script> <script src="Core.js" type='text/javascript'></script> <link rel='stylesheet' href='ResultPreview.css' type='text/css' /> You can find those two files in the Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common folder under our install folder.