To make the RapidSpell Web ASP.NET inline (as-you-type or not) spell checker check a RapidSpellWInlineTextBox control when the user leaves the text box (blur event) add the following Javascript to your page <script type='text/javascript'> function onready(){ for(var i=0; i<rsw_tbs.length; i++){ var tb = new RSWITextBox(rsw_tbs[i]; tb.Init(); tb.OnBlur = rswiTB_blur; } } function rswiTB_blur(sender, args){ if(! (rsw_contextMenu && rsw_contextMenu.isVisible)) sender._getTBS().spellChecker.OnSpellButtonClicked(); } </script> and call this by adding an onload handler to your body tag, eg. <body onload="rsw_aux_oninit_handlers[rsw_aux_oninit_handlers.length]='onready()';"> the onready function will register an OnBlur handler (the rswiTB_blur function) with each text box on the page. The handler will call for a spell check when the blur happens, unless the spell check context menu is currently being shown (because the blur also happens when the user selects a correction from the spelling menu). |