The RapidSpellWInlineTextBox is an editable IFrame, and as such relies on the host browser for default behavior. This example captures the tab key, and moves focus to the next control. Note that it relies on the tabindex attribute being set in the other controls on the page, as there is no simple way to automatically determine default tab order otherwise. <% @ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="FocusTest.aspx.cs" Inherits="nonAJAX_FocusTest" %><% @ Register TagPrefix="rapidspellweb" Namespace="Keyoti.RapidSpell" Assembly="Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb.ASP.NETv2" %> <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">< html xmlns="" >< head runat="server"><title>Capture</title><script>function key_down(source, e){var chr;if(e.charCode)//MOZILLAchr = e.charCode; elsechr = e.keyCode; if(9 == chr ){e.returnValue = false;if(e.preventDefault){e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true;} //find next ctrlvar currTabInd = source._getTBS().shadowTB.tabIndex;var elToFocus = null;var firstTabEl = null;var el;for(var i=0; i<window.document.forms[0].elements.length && elToFocus==null; i++){el = window.document.forms[0].elements[i]; if(el.tabIndex && el.tabIndex == currTabInd+1 )elToFocus = el; if(el.tabIndex && el.tabIndex == 1 )firstTabEl = el; } if(elToFocus==null)elToFocus = firstTabEl;if(elToFocus!=null){var found = false;for(var i=0; i<rsw_tbs.length && !found; i++){if(rsw_tbs[i]{ rsw_tbs[i].focus(); found= true;} } if(!found)elToFocus.focus();} } } onload=function(){<%= tb.ClientSideObject %>.OnKeyDown = key_down; } </script></ head>< body ><form id="form1" runat="server"><div><rapidspellweb:RapidSpellWInlineTextBox ID="tb" runat="server" tabindex="1" /> <textarea tabindex="3"></textarea><textarea tabindex="4"></textarea><button tabindex="2" runat="server"></button></div></form></ body></ html> |