Version 3.4 Up In v3.4 upwards you only need to; 1. Set the TextComponentInterface to Automatic 2. Set the RapidSpellWInline.TextComponentID or RapidSpellWebLauncher.TextComponentName to the ID of the control. 3. Add, ValidateRequest="false" to the page tag of the popup page, and/or RapidSpellWInlineHelper page. The spell checker should then automatically set itself up for your textbox. If it doesn't work, please see the information below. Version 3.3 Down 1. Paste this code onto the page with FreeTextBox <script type="text/javascript"> function RSCustomInterface(tbElementName){ this.tbName = tbElementName; this.getText = getText; this.setText = setText; function getText(){ //return the text from the text component named this.tbName, //this may be HTML formatted text return eval(this.tbName+"_Frame.document.body.innerHTML"); } function setText(text){ //set the text in the text component to the text argument //this may be HTML formatted text eval(this.tbName+"_Frame.document.body.innerHTML = text"); eval(this.tbName+".focus()"); }
} </script>
2. Set TextComponentInterface to "Custom" in RapidSpellWebLauncher 3. Set IgnoreXML to "true" in RapidSpellWebLauncher 4. Set TextComponentName to "FreeTextBox1" 5. In the popup add ValidateRequest="false" to the @Page attribute in line 1 to avoid getting the error: "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client." Note: If you are using .NET 4 or higher you will need to add <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> in web.config under <system.web> |