This article shows howto display a ‘Spell checking…’ DIV, over a textbox while the spell checker is working. For Javascript (ClientSide) based usage The events 'dialog_startedcheckingtextbox'and 'dialog_finishedcheckingtextbox' for the dialog spell check can be usedto trigger the display of the “Spell checking…” DIV. 1. In the main page, add <div style="display:none;z-index:999; position:absolute; border:1px solid #00dddd; background-color:#00ffff; font-family:Sans-Serif; font-size:8pt; padding: 5px;" id="spellCheckingLabel"><b>Spell checking...</b></div> 2. In the main page, add <script type="text/javascript"> rapidSpell.addEventListener('dialog_startedcheckingtextbox', sc_start); rapidSpell.addEventListener('dialog_finishedcheckingtextbox', sc_end); function sc_start(src, textBox){ var targetElement = document.getElementById("spellCheckingLabel"); = "block"; = rsw_findPosX(textBox)+"px"; = rsw_findPosY(textBox)+"px"; } function sc_end(src, textBox){ var targetElement = document.getElementById("spellCheckingLabel"); = "none"; } </script> For ASP.NET Web Control basedusage TheRapidSpellWebMultiple control has client side propertiesStartedOnTextBoxListener and FinishedOnTextBoxListenerwhich can be used to monitor the spell check control. In a scenariowhere the multiple control is triggering inline spell checking, the followingchanges will add a "Spell Checking..." overlay over the text boxwhile the AJAX request is being made. 1. Set the propertiesRapidSpellWebMultiple.FinishedOnTextBoxListener="sc_end" and RapidSpellWebMultiple.StartedOnTextBoxListener="sc_start" 2. Add this DIV to thepage, the content of which can be changed, to different text, or an animatedicon for example <div style="display:none;z-index:999; position:absolute; border:1px solid #00dddd; background-color:#00ffff; font-family:Sans-Serif; font-size:8pt; padding: 5px;" id="spellCheckingLabel"><b>Spell checking...</b></div> 3. Addthis script to the page <script type="text/javascript"> function sc_start(textBox){ var targetElement =document.getElementById("spellCheckingLabel"); "block"; rsw_findPosX(textBox)+"px"; rsw_findPosY(textBox)+"px"; } function sc_end(textBox){ var targetElement =document.getElementById("spellCheckingLabel"); "none"; } </script> |