Switching RapidSpellInlineTextBox from hidden to visible while using RadAjax can alter the appearance and behavior of the text box. To prevent this follow these steps.
Note: This article is required when using RapidSpellInlineTextBox, no changes are needed when using a regular text box.
1. Add the RapidSpellInline, RapidSpellInlineTextBox and your button control within the RadAjaxPanel tags.
2. Set the following properties within your RadAjaxPanel control;
a) ClientEvents-OnRequestStart="clearRapidSpellHandler()"
b) ClientEvents-OnResponseEnd="rsw_ASPNETAJAX_OnEndRequest()"
c) EnableOutsideScripts="true"
3. Add the following javascript to your page;
<script type="text/javascript">
function clearRapidSpellHandler(){