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How do I use RapidSpell Web ASP.NET with ASP pages - VERSION 3?


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The information below is for VERSION 3 and VERSION 2


In order to use RapidSpell Web ASP.NET with ASP pages, the .NET framework must be installed on the web server.


[The attached ZIP includes a full example that works with multiple text boxes, see below for details.]


[Note, in version 3 we added RapidSpellWInline for inline spell checking, please see for details on how to use that with ASP or HTML pages]



Copy the Popup.aspx page (attached in the zip) to your web app. (this houses the actual spell checker control and needs to run in an aspx page).


Then copy this code block to your ASP page that you want to spell check from;
<span id="RapidSpellWebLauncher1" style="Z-INDEX: 102; LEFT: 21px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 287px"><!-- This page contains code (for RapidSpell) that is the copyright of Keyoti Inc. 2002-2004 -->
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/Javascript'>function escQuotes(text){  var rx = new RegExp("\"", "g"); return text.replace(rx,"&#34;");}
function escEntities(text){var rx = new RegExp("&", "g"); return text.replace(rx,"&amp;");}</script><script language='JavaScript'>var spellBoot="";
function popUpCheckSpellingRapidSpellWebLauncher1(interfaceObjectName){ 
spellBoot = "<html><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>"; 
spellBoot += "<body onLoad='document.forms[0].submit();'><font face='arial, helvetica' size=2>Spell checking document...</font><fo"+"rm action=
'PopUp.aspx' method='post'>";  
spellBoot += "<input type='hidden' name='textToCheck' value=\""+escQuotes(escEntities(eval(interfaceObjectName+'.getText()')))+"\"><input type='hidden' name='InterfaceObject' value='"+interfaceObjectName+"'><input type='hidden' name='mode' value='popup'><input type='hidden' name='UserDictionaryFile' value=''><input type='hidden' name='DictFile' value=''><input type='hidden' name='SuggestionsMethod' value='HASHING_SUGGESTIONS'><input type='hidden' name='LanguageParser' value='ENGLISH'><input type='hidden' name='SeparateHyphenWords' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='V2Parser' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='SSLFriendlyPage' value='blank.html'>"; spellBoot += "<input type='hidden' name='ShowFinishedMessage' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='ShowNoErrorsMessage' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='CreatePopUpWindow' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='FinishClosesWindow' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='WarnDuplicates' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='IgnoreWordsWithDigits' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='IgnoreURLsAndEmailAddresses' value='True'>"; spellBoot += "<input type='hidden' name='SuggestSplitWords' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='CheckCompoundWords' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='CorrectionNotifyListener' value=''><input type='hidden' name='Modal' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='InformFinishListenerOfState' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='PostBackOnFinish' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='RswlClientID' value='RapidSpellWebLauncher1'><input type='hidden' name='AllowMixedCase' value='False'>"; spellBoot += "<input type='hidden' name='IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='LookIntoHyphenatedText' value='True'><input type='hidden' name='FinishedListener' value=''><input type='hidden' name='GuiLanguage' value='ENGLISH'><input type='hidden' name='callBack' value=''><input type='hidden' name='IgnoreXML' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='IgnoreCapitalizedWords' value='False'><input type='hidden' name='ConsiderationRange' value='-1'></form></body>"; spellBoot += "</html>"; var sc ='', 'rspellwin', 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto,dependent=yes,toolbar=no,left=100,top=100,status=no,location=no,menubar=no,width=370,height=400'); sc.focus();;  sc.document.write(spellBoot); sc.document.close();}function RSStandardInterface(tbElementName){this.tbName = tbElementName;this.getText = getText;this.setText = setText;function getText(){ if(!document.getElementById(this.tbName)) {  alert('Error: element '+this.tbName+' does not exist, check TextComponentName.');  return ''; } else return document.getElementById(this.tbName).value;}function setText(text){ if(document.getElementById(this.tbName)) document.getElementById(this.tbName).value = text;}}var rsTCIntRapidSpellWebLauncher1 = new RSStandardInterface("
TextBox1");</script><input name="RapidSpellWebLauncher1:_ctl0" type="button" value="Check Spelling" onClick="popUpCheckSpellingRapidSpellWebLauncher1('rsTCIntRapidSpellWebLauncher1')" /></span>
You can see that we hold the settings in hidden fields, and you can change these manually.
There are two parts in bold;
PopUp.aspx, this should be the URL of the popup page
TextBox1, this should be the ID of the text box.
<textarea ID="TextBox1"></textarea>
Finally you'll need to copy our 2 DLLs (which you can get by downloading the trial version) into a folder called bin under your server directory.



If you have any problems, please email




ADDENDUM: Multiple Text Box Checking


The attachment demonstrates how to do multiple text box checking on an ASP page, this is more complicated than simple one text box checking, but is likely to be more useful in real world scenarios.


It must be placed in the same directory as the PopUp.aspx page (from our demo).  You can see that the block


var rapidSpellControls = ["txtTitle", "txtDescription"];  


corresponds to the IDs of the text boxes


<textarea ID="txtTitle"  width=500px height=100px>goalsss the housees is erommg</textarea>
<textarea ID="txtDescription" width=500px height=100px>carss</textarea>


and that the spell check is started from the button




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