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Using RapidSpellAsYouType to add as you type spell checking to the TreeView control. (C#)


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You can easily add as-you-type spell checking to the .NET TreeView control by substituting the standard editing textbox with RapidSpell Desktop's AYTTextBox.

1. Add this basic helper class to the project

public class AYTTreeViewHelper
 Keyoti.RapidSpell.AYTTextBox subTextBox;
 Keyoti.RapidSpell.RapidSpellAsYouType ayt;
 TreeNode editingNode;
 TreeView tv;

 public AYTTreeViewHelper(TreeView tv, IContainer components)
     ayt = new Keyoti.RapidSpell.RapidSpellAsYouType(components);
     subTextBox = new Keyoti.RapidSpell.AYTTextBox();
     subTextBox.Leave += new EventHandler(subTextBox_Leave);
     subTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(subTextBox_TextChanged);

     ayt.TextComponent = subTextBox;
     subTextBox.Visible = false;


     tv.BeforeLabelEdit += new NodeLabelEditEventHandler(tv_BeforeLabelEdit);

     tv.Disposed += new EventHandler(tv_Disposed); = tv;

 void tv_Disposed(object sender, EventArgs e)
     subTextBox.Leave -= new EventHandler(subTextBox_Leave);
     subTextBox.TextChanged -= new EventHandler(subTextBox_TextChanged);
     tv.BeforeLabelEdit -= new NodeLabelEditEventHandler(tv_BeforeLabelEdit);

 void tv_BeforeLabelEdit(object sender, NodeLabelEditEventArgs e)
     e.CancelEdit = true;

     editingNode = e.Node;

     Rectangle r = e.Node.Bounds;
     subTextBox.Font = e.Node.TreeView.Font;
     subTextBox.Text = e.Node.Text;
     subTextBox.Location = r.Location;
     subTextBox.Size = r.Size;
     if (subTextBox.Width + subTextBox.Left > tv.Width - 10)
  subTextBox.Width = tv.Width - 10 - subTextBox.Left;
     else if (r.Size.Width < 50)
  subTextBox.Width = 52;
     subTextBox.Visible = true;
     editingNode.Text = "";

 //To autoexpand the textbox as the user types
 void subTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Graphics gfx = subTextBox.CreateGraphics();
     SizeF sf = gfx.MeasureString(subTextBox.Text, subTextBox.Font);
     if (sf.Width + subTextBox.Left > tv.Width - 10)
  subTextBox.Width = tv.Width - 10 - subTextBox.Left;
  if (sf.Width > 50)
      subTextBox.Width = (int)sf.Width + 12;
      subTextBox.Width = 52;

 //Hide the ayt tb when done
 void subTextBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
     editingNode.Text = subTextBox.Text;
     subTextBox.Visible = false;


2. Initialize the object and pass the TreeView control, to activate it, eg. in the Form's constructor.

public partial class TreeviewForm : Form

 public TreeviewForm()

     AYTTreeViewHelper helper = new AYTTreeViewHelper(treeView1, components);


Where, 'treeView1' is the TreeView control to work with.  Any problems?  Please email support @


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