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How can I show the % rank for a result with the SearchResult control? (C#)


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To show a % rank next to a result, we exploit the ItemCreated event which will let us hook into the template creation and work with our own Label control (percentRank).
Assuming you already have 2 pages, one with SearchBox and the other with SearchResult - open the page holding SearchResult.
1. In the ResultItemTemplate in the SearchResult control, add a Label control, eg.
 <TABLE border="0">
    <TD class="SEResultItemLink"><A href="<%# Container.Uri %>"><%# Container.Title %></A></TD>
    <TD class="SEResultItemSummary"><%# Container.Summary%></TD>
    <TD class="SEResultItemURL"><%# Container.Uri %></TD>
   <asp:Label ID="percentRank" Runat=server></asp:Label>
 <BR />
2. In the code-behind for the SearchResult page, add this field;
int topWeight=-1;
3. again in the code-behind, add the following code to the Page_Load method;

topWeight = (int) ViewState["topWeight"];

this.SearchResult1.ItemCreated+=new Keyoti.SearchEngine.Web.SearchResult.SearchResultItemEventHandler(SearchResult1_ItemCreated);

4. and add this method;

private void SearchResult1_ItemCreated(object sender, Keyoti.SearchEngine.Web.SearchResultItemEventArgs e)


//If we are showing a ResultItem (and not a header, footer or error)

if(e.Item is Keyoti.SearchEngine.Web.ResultItem)


//Grab the result weight from the underlying data, note ResultItem is in a different namespace to the ResultItem above

int weight = ((Keyoti.SearchEngine.Search.ResultItem) e.Data).Weight;

if(topWeight==-1) //this is the first result, so store it's weight


topWeight = weight;

ViewState["topWeight"] = topWeight;


//find our new label and set it to the %

Label percLabel = (Label) e.Item.FindControl("percentRank");

percLabel.Text= ((10000*weight)/(100*topWeight))+"%";




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