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Types of dictionary


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Main dictionary –


You can use a DLL or Dict file as the main RapidSpell dictionary, please see the user guide for details on the differences between the DLL and Dict files.



By default a DLL dictionary is used, the project should contain a reference to Keyoti.RapidSpellMDict.dll.


If you wish to use a different language, care must be taken to which Keyoti.RapidSpellMDict.dll is referenced in your project.


                        Dict File:

To use a .Dict file as your main dictionary, simply set the DictFilePath (in RapidSpell Desktop) / DictFile (in RapidSpellWeb) property to the absolute path of the Dict file to be used. This will override the DLL dictionary so only the Dict file will be used.


(A reference to Keyoti.RapidSpellMDict.dll will still be required in the project)


User dictionary –


The user dictionary is a simple UTF-8 text file with words listed one per line.

To enable the user dictionary, specify the UserDictionaryFile property in the spell checking control. If it does not exist then the file will be created for you.


Setting the user dictionary will automatically enable the Add button to be selected and new words added to the user dictionary.


Additionally, you may wish to include words from the user dictionary in the spelling suggestions. Simply set IncludeUserDictionaryInSuggestions to true.


These files are not created by the Dict Manager tool.


Further details can be found in the product user guide.



How to edit


Main Dictionary –


One of the advantages of using a Dict file as the main dictionary is the ability to customize the dictionary, as this isn’t possible when using the DLL format.


DictManager tool:

Using the DictManager tool, which is included in the product installation, you can lookup/add/remove words in the dictionary and create new Dict files.


                        Creating new Dict file:

This knowledge base article explains how to add words from a word list and create a new Dict file,


Please see the DictManager user guide for additional details on customizing the dictionaries (help.chm under the DictManager folder).


Programmatically customize/modify Dict files:

Please see this knowledge base article for instructions and API documentation for using the DictManager in DLL form,



User dictionary –


                        Any text editor.





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