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How do I check multiple PowerWEB TextBox controls on one page.


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Assuming you already have your page set up, with a RapidSpellWebLauncher for each text box, and a RapidSpellWebMultiple to join them all together (if you haven't go this far, please consult the docs and example projects for guidance on this) - but have found that when running the spell check it only checks the text in one text box repeatedly.  The problem is caused because the built-in interface we use for PowerWEB switches to the currently active text box, there for to override this behavior please follow these steps.
[In the page where you have the text boxes]
1. Add this Javascript to your page
<script type="text/javascript">
function RSCustomInterface(tbElementName){
this.getText = getText;
this.setText = setText;
this.tbElementName = tbElementName;
function getText(){
  return document.getElementById(this.tbElementName).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
  return document.getElementById(this.tbElementName).innerHTML;
function setText(text){
  document.getElementById(this.tbElementName).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = text;
  document.getElementById(this.tbElementName).innerHTML = text;
2. Set TextComponentInterface to "Custom" in all instances of RapidSpellWebLauncher, (so that they use the Javascript in step 1).
3. In each RapidSpellWebLauncher, set TextComponentName to "<%# HtmlBox1.TextWindow.ClientID %>" - where "HtmlBox1" corresponds to the ID of the PowerWEB TextBox that it should spell check
4. Add "Page.DataBind()" to the Page_Load method for the page, eg. in code behind;

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


// Put user code to initialize the page here



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