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RapidSpell Web .NET

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RapidSpell Web integrates automatically into web applications with minimal amounts of Javascript - which allows it to work easily with any page rendering technology (such as ASP.NET, MVC, AJAX, Razor, or just plain HTML files). RapidSpell also includes traditional ASP.NET server controls which can be used instead of the Javascript approach, to manually setup the spell check.

The UI provides all the usual features, add, change, change all, ignore, ignore all, options and smart suggestions. It interactively checks ASP.NET text controls, any HTML text box component such as <textarea> and <input type='text'> as well as 3rd party components. The spell checker UI features an advanced preview pane to interactively highlight errors (with no post back). The spell checker accepts manual corrections, and also supports user dictionaries (either one dictionary for all users or separate user dictionaries). The included non GUI component provides core spell checker functionality at the middleware level, which means it is suitable for server applications as well as any console application.

Common Uses

The Web Control component can check any HTML text component (e.g., <textarea>, <input type='text'> and 3rd Party) allowing for Internet/Intranet applications such as:

Online utilities (web page generators, order placement)
Data input

The non-GUI component provides core spell checking functionality, allowing it to be useful in any application, including:

Server applications
Console based applications


The components were built to CLR 2.0/4.0 (.NET /2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/4.6), and ASP.NET Core 2.0+ (inc. .NET 5/6+) specification. This product works in Edge, IE5+, Firefox1+, Chrome 1+, Opera6+, Mozilla 1.3+, Safari on the PC and IE5.5+, Firefox1+, Chrome 1+, and Safari 1.3+ on the Mac.