Keyoti Search for ASP.NET API Docs
DocumentWorkTimeout Property
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngineConfigurationDocumentWorkTimeout
Keyoti Search for ASP.NET 2010
The length of time, in milliseconds, until the document work times out
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public int DocumentWorkTimeout { get; set; }
Public Property DocumentWorkTimeout As Integer
property int DocumentWorkTimeout {
	int get ();
	void set (int value);
Since the search engine operates in a wild environment, where a web server can return potentially corrupt data, there is the possibility that the document parser will malfunction. To avoid processing a document for very long periods of time a default 10 minute timeout is applied. If the parser does not finish within the timeout period, it is stopped and the next document in the queue is processed. When logging is enabled, a message is written in the Document.txt file stating that the parser gave up.

Assembly: Keyoti2.SearchEngine.Core (Module: Keyoti2.SearchEngine.Core) Version: 2010.4.1.609