Keyoti Search for ASP.NET API Docs
GetImportSample Method (indexableSourceRecord, dataSet, sampleSize, invoker)
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.IndexDocumentIndexGetImportSample(IndexableSourceRecord, DataSet, Int32, LinkBasedImportSampler..::.InvokeMethod)
Keyoti Search for ASP.NET 2010
Produces a sample DataTable of data that will be imported from the indexableSourceRecord using dataSource and places it in the DataSet ds as the first item.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public virtual void GetImportSample(
	IndexableSourceRecord indexableSourceRecord,
	DataSet dataSet,
	int sampleSize,
	LinkBasedImportSampler..::.InvokeMethod invoker
Public Overridable Sub GetImportSample ( _
	indexableSourceRecord As IndexableSourceRecord, _
	dataSet As DataSet, _
	sampleSize As Integer, _
	invoker As LinkBasedImportSampler..::.InvokeMethod _
virtual void GetImportSample(
	IndexableSourceRecord^ indexableSourceRecord, 
	DataSet^ dataSet, 
	int sampleSize, 
	LinkBasedImportSampler..::.InvokeMethod^ invoker
indexableSourceRecord (IndexableSourceRecord)
The instance of the source record which will be used to import documents/records.
dataSet (DataSet)
The DataSet to which the DataTable is added.
sampleSize (Int32)
The number of records to retrieve.
invoker (LinkBasedImportSampler..::.InvokeMethod)
A UI control with an Invoke method, which can be used to invoke a method on the UI thread. Can only be null when operating outside of Windows Forms.
Can be used to test import parameters and produce example of result from Import method.

Assembly: Keyoti2.SearchEngine.Core (Module: Keyoti2.SearchEngine.Core) Version: 2010.4.1.609