Keyoti Search for ASP.NET API Docs
ImportFileSystemFolder Method (localFolderPath, virtualPath, targetMatchList, ignoreMatchList, recurseSubFolders)
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.IndexDocumentIndexImportFileSystemFolder(String, String, ArrayList, ArrayList, Boolean)
Keyoti Search for ASP.NET 2010
Convenience method to import documents from a virtual folder using the Import method.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public ArrayList ImportFileSystemFolder(
	string localFolderPath,
	string virtualPath,
	ArrayList targetMatchList,
	ArrayList ignoreMatchList,
	bool recurseSubFolders
Public Function ImportFileSystemFolder ( _
	localFolderPath As String, _
	virtualPath As String, _
	targetMatchList As ArrayList, _
	ignoreMatchList As ArrayList, _
	recurseSubFolders As Boolean _
) As ArrayList
ArrayList^ ImportFileSystemFolder(
	String^ localFolderPath, 
	String^ virtualPath, 
	ArrayList^ targetMatchList, 
	ArrayList^ ignoreMatchList, 
	bool recurseSubFolders
localFolderPath (String)
Filepath of the virtual folder (or subfolder) to import documents from.
virtualPath (String)
URL corresponding to localFolderPath.
targetMatchList (ArrayList)
ArrayList of strings - if specified then only document paths matching one of these strings will be imported (useful for specifying filetypes, eg ".doc$" means file names ending with .doc). May be null/Nothing
ignoreMatchList (ArrayList)
ArrayList of strings - any document paths which match one of these strings will be ignored. May be null/Nothing
recurseSubFolders (Boolean)
Whether to recurse into subfolders looking for documents
Return Value
Returns list of Uri objects newly imported
If there is a virtual folder ("mywebsite") located at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite, which is accessible via http://localhost/mywebsite and all PDF documents should be imported from that folder, then the import is done as.
match = new ArrayList();
ImportFileSystemFolder(@"c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite", "http://localhost/mywebsite/", match, null, true);
If there is a virtual folder ("mywebsite") located at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite, which is accessible via http://localhost/mywebsite and all documents should be imported from a folder at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite\docs, then the import is done as.
ImportFileSystemFolder(@"c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite\docs", "http://localhost/mywebsite/docs/", null, null, true);

Assembly: Keyoti2.SearchEngine.Core (Module: Keyoti2.SearchEngine.Core) Version: 2010.4.1.609