Keyoti SearchUnit API Docs
AutoCompleteQuery Property
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.WebSearchBoxAutoCompleteQuery
Keyoti SearchUnit v6
Whether to provide auto-complete suggestions to the user as they type in the query text box (see remarks).
Declaration Syntax
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public virtual bool AutoCompleteQuery { get; set; }
public virtual bool AutoCompleteQuery { get; set; }
Public Overridable Property AutoCompleteQuery As Boolean
Public Overridable Property AutoCompleteQuery As Boolean
virtual property bool AutoCompleteQuery {
	bool get ();
	void set (bool value);
virtual property bool AutoCompleteQuery {
	bool get ();
	void set (bool value);
abstract AutoCompleteQuery : bool with get, set
override AutoCompleteQuery : bool with get, set
abstract AutoCompleteQuery : bool with get, set
override AutoCompleteQuery : bool with get, set
Property Value
This feature requires; i) The web.config file must be edited to add the following HttpHandler
 Copy imageCopy
        <add verb="*" path="Keyoti.SearchEngine.Web.CallBackHandler.aspx" type="Keyoti.SearchEngine.Web.CallBackHandler,Keyoti.SearchEngine.Web.ASP.NETv2"/>
ii) The AutoCompleteQueryIndexDirectory property must be set to the index directory that the search will be performed on, or the Keyoti-SearchEngine-IndexDirectory web.config appSetting must be set.

Assembly: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Web (Module: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Web.dll) Version: 2015.6.15.120