Keyoti SearchUnit API Docs
Crawl Method (urlList, isLoginPage, indexableSourceRecord)
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSourcesWebSiteSpiderCrawl(ArrayList, ArrayList, WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord)
Keyoti SearchUnit v6
Crawls all URL strings in urlList, adds new document URLs (including those from urlList) to the 'database' and returns list of newly found URLs.
Declaration Syntax
C#C#Visual BasicVisual BasicVisual C++Visual C++F#F#
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)]
public virtual ArrayList Crawl(
	ArrayList urlList,
	ArrayList isLoginPage,
	WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord indexableSourceRecord
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)]
public virtual ArrayList Crawl(
	ArrayList urlList,
	ArrayList isLoginPage,
	WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord indexableSourceRecord
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)> 
Public Overridable Function Crawl ( 
	urlList As ArrayList,
	isLoginPage As ArrayList,
	indexableSourceRecord As WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord
) As ArrayList
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)> 
Public Overridable Function Crawl ( 
	urlList As ArrayList,
	isLoginPage As ArrayList,
	indexableSourceRecord As WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord
) As ArrayList
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)]
virtual ArrayList^ Crawl(
	ArrayList^ urlList, 
	ArrayList^ isLoginPage, 
	WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord^ indexableSourceRecord
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)]
virtual ArrayList^ Crawl(
	ArrayList^ urlList, 
	ArrayList^ isLoginPage, 
	WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord^ indexableSourceRecord
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)>]
abstract Crawl : 
        urlList : ArrayList * 
        isLoginPage : ArrayList * 
        indexableSourceRecord : WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord -> ArrayList 
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)>]
override Crawl : 
        urlList : ArrayList * 
        isLoginPage : ArrayList * 
        indexableSourceRecord : WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord -> ArrayList 
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)>]
abstract Crawl : 
        urlList : ArrayList * 
        isLoginPage : ArrayList * 
        indexableSourceRecord : WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord -> ArrayList 
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use DocumentIndex.ImportWebsite instead.", true)>]
override Crawl : 
        urlList : ArrayList * 
        isLoginPage : ArrayList * 
        indexableSourceRecord : WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord -> ArrayList 
urlList (ArrayList)
List of string objects specifying URLs to be crawled
isLoginPage (ArrayList)
List of booleans indicating whether URL at corresponding index in urlList is a 'login page' for Forms Authentication - see user guide section on Forms Authentication for more.
indexableSourceRecord (WebsiteBasedIndexableSourceRecord)
The IndexableSourceRecord that this document is assigned to, may be null.
Return Value
ArrayList of Uri objects with URLs added to 'database'.
Crawling will read each page and then each page (within the same host) linked from that page, until it finds no new pages. Note that the return list includes newly found URLs and pre-existing URLs (from prior crawls, etc).
InvalidOperationExceptionIf Configuration.IsLock is true (a lock has been applied).

Assembly: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core (Module: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core.dll) Version: 2015.6.15.120