Keyoti SearchUnit API Docs
GetNextWord Method (rawBody)
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.DocumentsHtmlDocumentParserGetNextWord(String)
Keyoti SearchUnit v6
Returns the next 'word' in rawBody, is iterative, so subsequent calls move to consecutive words.
Declaration Syntax
C#C#Visual BasicVisual BasicVisual C++Visual C++F#F#
protected override string GetNextWord(
	string rawBody
protected override string GetNextWord(
	string rawBody
Protected Overrides Function GetNextWord ( 
	rawBody As String
) As String
Protected Overrides Function GetNextWord ( 
	rawBody As String
) As String
virtual String^ GetNextWord(
	String^ rawBody
) override
virtual String^ GetNextWord(
	String^ rawBody
) override
abstract GetNextWord : 
        rawBody : string -> string 
override GetNextWord : 
        rawBody : string -> string 
abstract GetNextWord : 
        rawBody : string -> string 
override GetNextWord : 
        rawBody : string -> string 
rawBody (String)
The text to pull words from.
Return Value
String, the next word.
Also returns whitespace between words and null when the end of the text is reached.

Assembly: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core (Module: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core.dll) Version: 2015.6.15.120