Keyoti SearchUnit API Docs
ResultItem Class
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.WebResultItem
Keyoti SearchUnit v6
A result item, shown between the header and footer.
Declaration Syntax
C#C#Visual BasicVisual BasicVisual C++Visual C++F#F#
public class ResultItem : WebControl, INamingContainer
public class ResultItem : WebControl, INamingContainer
Public Class ResultItem
	Inherits WebControl
	Implements INamingContainer
Public Class ResultItem
	Inherits WebControl
	Implements INamingContainer
public ref class ResultItem : public WebControl, 
public ref class ResultItem : public WebControl, 
type ResultItem =  
        inherit WebControl
        interface INamingContainer
type ResultItem =  
        inherit WebControl
        interface INamingContainer
All MembersConstructorsMethodsPropertiesEvents

AccessKey (Inherited from WebControl.)
Adapter (Inherited from Control.)
AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from WebControl.)
AddedControl(Control, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
AddParsedSubObject(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
ApplyStyle(Style) (Inherited from WebControl.)
ApplyStyleSheetSkin(Page) (Inherited from Control.)
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Attributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
BackColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
BeginRenderTracing(TextWriter, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
BindingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
BorderColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
BorderStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
BorderWidth (Inherited from WebControl.)
BuildProfileTree(String, Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
ChildControlsCreated (Inherited from Control.)
ClearCachedClientID()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearChildControlState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearChildState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearChildViewState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearEffectiveClientIDMode()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClientID (Inherited from Control.)
ClientIDMode (Inherited from Control.)
ClientIDSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Content specified for search

Context (Inherited from Control.)
Controls (Inherited from Control.)
ControlStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
ControlStyleCreated (Inherited from WebControl.)
CopyBaseAttributes(WebControl) (Inherited from WebControl.)
CreateChildControls()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControlCollection()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControlStyle()()()() (Inherited from WebControl.)
CssClass (Inherited from WebControl.)
The custom data

DataBind()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
DataBind(Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
DataBindChildren()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
DataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
DataItemContainer (Inherited from Control.)
DataKeysContainer (Inherited from Control.)
DesignMode (Inherited from Control.)
Dispose()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Disposed (Inherited from Control.)
Enabled (Inherited from WebControl.)
EnableTheming (Inherited from WebControl.)
EnableViewState (Inherited from Control.)
EndRenderTracing(TextWriter, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
EnsureChildControls()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
EnsureID()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Events (Inherited from Control.)
Finalize()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
FindControl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
FindControl(String, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
Focus()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Font (Inherited from WebControl.)
ForeColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
GetDesignModeState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
GetHashCode()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetRouteUrl(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
GetRouteUrl(String, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
GetRouteUrl(RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
GetRouteUrl(String, RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
GetType()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetUniqueIDRelativeTo(Control) (Inherited from Control.)
HasAttributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
HasChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
HasControls()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
HasEvents()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Height (Inherited from WebControl.)
HighlightQueryWordsInSummary(ArrayList, String)
Highlights 'words' in Summary

ID (Inherited from Control.)
IdSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Init (Inherited from Control.)
IsChildControlStateCleared (Inherited from Control.)
IsEnabled (Inherited from WebControl.)
IsLiteralContent()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
IsTrackingViewState (Inherited from Control.)
IsViewStateEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Map of keywords and number of hits within this document of each keyword.

Load (Inherited from Control.)
LoadControlState(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
LoadViewState(Object) (Inherited from WebControl.)
LoadViewStateByID (Inherited from Control.)
Location specified for search

MapPathSecure(String) (Inherited from Control.)
MemberwiseClone()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
MergeStyle(Style) (Inherited from WebControl.)
NamingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
OnBubbleEvent(Object, EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnDataBinding(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnInit(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnLoad(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnPreRender(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnUnload(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OpenFile(String) (Inherited from Control.)
Page (Inherited from Control.)
Parent (Inherited from Control.)
PreRender (Inherited from Control.)
RaiseBubbleEvent(Object, EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
RemovedControl(Control) (Inherited from Control.)
Render(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from WebControl.)
See base
(Overrides WebControl.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter).)
RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from WebControl.)
RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter) (Inherited from Control.)
See base
(Overrides WebControl.RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter).)
RenderingCompatibility (Inherited from Control.)
ResolveAdapter()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ResolveClientUrl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
ResolveUrl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
SaveControlState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
SaveViewState()()()() (Inherited from WebControl.)
SetDesignModeState(IDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
SetRenderMethodDelegate(RenderMethod) (Inherited from Control.)
SetTraceData(Object, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
SetTraceData(Object, Object, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
Site (Inherited from Control.)
SkinID (Inherited from WebControl.)
Style (Inherited from WebControl.)
The result summary

SupportsDisabledAttribute (Inherited from WebControl.)
TabIndex (Inherited from WebControl.)
TagKey (Inherited from WebControl.)
TagName (Inherited from WebControl.)
TemplateControl (Inherited from Control.)
TemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
The result title

ToolTip (Inherited from WebControl.)
ToString()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
TrackViewState()()()() (Inherited from WebControl.)
UniqueID (Inherited from Control.)
Unload (Inherited from Control.)
The URI of the result document

The URI of the result document as it appears in the document index

ValidateRequestMode (Inherited from Control.)
ViewState (Inherited from Control.)
ViewStateIgnoresCase (Inherited from Control.)
ViewStateMode (Inherited from Control.)
Visible (Inherited from Control.)
Width (Inherited from WebControl.)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Web (Module: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Web.dll) Version: 2015.6.15.120