Keyoti SearchUnit API Docs
Footer Class
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.WebFooter
Keyoti SearchUnit v6
The footer shown below the search results.
Declaration Syntax
C#C#Visual BasicVisual BasicVisual C++Visual C++F#F#
public class Footer : WebControl, INamingContainer
public class Footer : WebControl, INamingContainer
Public Class Footer
	Inherits WebControl
	Implements INamingContainer
Public Class Footer
	Inherits WebControl
	Implements INamingContainer
public ref class Footer : public WebControl, 
public ref class Footer : public WebControl, 
type Footer =  
        inherit WebControl
        interface INamingContainer
type Footer =  
        inherit WebControl
        interface INamingContainer
All MembersConstructorsMethodsPropertiesEvents

Creates a new instance with no member values.

Footer(String, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, Page, Control, String)
Creates a new instance and sets all properties.

AccessKey (Inherited from WebControl.)
Adapter (Inherited from Control.)
AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from WebControl.)
AddedControl(Control, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
AddParsedSubObject(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
ApplyStyle(Style) (Inherited from WebControl.)
ApplyStyleSheetSkin(Page) (Inherited from Control.)
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
Attributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
BackColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
BeginRenderTracing(TextWriter, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
BindingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
BorderColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
BorderStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
BorderWidth (Inherited from WebControl.)
BuildProfileTree(String, Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
ChildControlsCreated (Inherited from Control.)
ClearCachedClientID()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearChildControlState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearChildState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearChildViewState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClearEffectiveClientIDMode()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ClientID (Inherited from Control.)
ClientIDMode (Inherited from Control.)
ClientIDSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Context (Inherited from Control.)
Controls (Inherited from Control.)
ControlStyle (Inherited from WebControl.)
ControlStyleCreated (Inherited from WebControl.)
CopyBaseAttributes(WebControl) (Inherited from WebControl.)
CreateChildControls()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControlCollection()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
CreateControlStyle()()()() (Inherited from WebControl.)
CssClass (Inherited from WebControl.)
DataBind()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
DataBind(Boolean) (Inherited from Control.)
DataBindChildren()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
DataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
DataItemContainer (Inherited from Control.)
DataKeysContainer (Inherited from Control.)
DesignMode (Inherited from Control.)
Dispose()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Disposed (Inherited from Control.)
Enabled (Inherited from WebControl.)
EnableTheming (Inherited from WebControl.)
EnableViewState (Inherited from Control.)
EndRenderTracing(TextWriter, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
EnsureChildControls()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
EnsureID()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Events (Inherited from Control.)
Finalize()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
FindControl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
FindControl(String, Int32) (Inherited from Control.)
Focus()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Font (Inherited from WebControl.)
ForeColor (Inherited from WebControl.)
GetDesignModeState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
GetHashCode()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetRouteUrl(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
GetRouteUrl(String, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
GetRouteUrl(RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
GetRouteUrl(String, RouteValueDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
GetType()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
GetUniqueIDRelativeTo(Control) (Inherited from Control.)
HasAttributes (Inherited from WebControl.)
HasChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
HasControls()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
HasEvents()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
Height (Inherited from WebControl.)
ID (Inherited from Control.)
IdSeparator (Inherited from Control.)
Comma delimited list of words which were not searched for (stop-list).

User friendly, English message, reporting ignored words (stop-list).

Init (Inherited from Control.)
IsChildControlStateCleared (Inherited from Control.)
IsEnabled (Inherited from WebControl.)
IsLiteralContent()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
IsTrackingViewState (Inherited from Control.)
IsViewStateEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Load (Inherited from Control.)
LoadControlState(Object) (Inherited from Control.)
LoadViewState(Object) (Inherited from WebControl.)
LoadViewStateByID (Inherited from Control.)
MapPathSecure(String) (Inherited from Control.)
MemberwiseClone()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
MergeStyle(Style) (Inherited from WebControl.)
NamingContainer (Inherited from Control.)
Link to the next page of results.

The number of results found.

The number of results being shown per page.

OnBubbleEvent(Object, EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnDataBinding(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnInit(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnLoad(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnPreRender(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OnUnload(EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
OpenFile(String) (Inherited from Control.)
Page (Inherited from Control.)
Block of links to nearby pages.

Parent (Inherited from Control.)
PreRender (Inherited from Control.)
Link to the previous page of results.

The search query entered by the user.

RaiseBubbleEvent(Object, EventArgs) (Inherited from Control.)
RemovedControl(Control) (Inherited from Control.)
Render(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from WebControl.)
See base
(Overrides WebControl.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter).)
RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from WebControl.)
RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter) (Inherited from Control.)
RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter) (Inherited from Control.)
See base
(Overrides WebControl.RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter).)
RenderingCompatibility (Inherited from Control.)
ResolveAdapter()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
ResolveClientUrl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
ResolveUrl(String) (Inherited from Control.)
The current results page number.

SaveControlState()()()() (Inherited from Control.)
SaveViewState()()()() (Inherited from WebControl.)
SetDesignModeState(IDictionary) (Inherited from Control.)
SetRenderMethodDelegate(RenderMethod) (Inherited from Control.)
SetTraceData(Object, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
SetTraceData(Object, Object, Object) (Inherited from Control.)
Site (Inherited from Control.)
SkinID (Inherited from WebControl.)
Style (Inherited from WebControl.)
SupportsDisabledAttribute (Inherited from WebControl.)
TabIndex (Inherited from WebControl.)
TagKey (Inherited from WebControl.)
TagName (Inherited from WebControl.)
TemplateControl (Inherited from Control.)
TemplateSourceDirectory (Inherited from Control.)
ToolTip (Inherited from WebControl.)
ToString()()()() (Inherited from Object.)
TrackViewState()()()() (Inherited from WebControl.)
UniqueID (Inherited from Control.)
Unload (Inherited from Control.)
ValidateRequestMode (Inherited from Control.)
ViewState (Inherited from Control.)
ViewStateIgnoresCase (Inherited from Control.)
ViewStateMode (Inherited from Control.)
Visible (Inherited from Control.)
Width (Inherited from WebControl.)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Web (Module: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Web.dll) Version: 2015.6.15.120