Windows Service

The Windows Service, "Keyoti_Search_Index_Service_201x" is installed and by default its start-up type is 'automatic'.


Start/Stop can be performed through the Windows Service form of the Index Management Tool, or via the regular Services control panel under Windows.

Note, after changing the configuration timing the windows service should be restarted for changes to take effect.

Specifying Index Directories To Work With

The Windows Service form of the Index Management Tool allows the user to specify which Index Directory paths to work with. Each Index Directory specified is treated separately and will run on it's own schedule.

Configuring Timing

There are two settings in the Configuration page (Admin app) and class (programmatic) which affect the service index timing;

Start indexing hour  - The hour of the day at which the first indexing operation will happen.
Rebuild frequency  - Sets how many hours should pass since the last index operation before reindexing is performed.

For example, to set the service to index;

Every night at 1am; set Start indexing hour to 1, and set Rebuild frequency to 24

Every other day at 6pm; set Start indexing hour to 18, and set Rebuild frequency to 48

Every 6 hours starting at midnight; set Start indexing hour to 0, and set Rebuild frequency to 6

Monitoring Service Activity

To log service activity (start, stop, indexing, crawling) go to the Configuration page under the Index Management Tool or Admin web-app. and enable Logging. A file named KEYOTI_WINDOWS_SERVICE.txt will be written to the index directory the next time the service performs an action (restart the service to get an immediate response).


The Windows Service will not be able to import documents while the Index Manager Tool is open on the same index directory at the same time. Please ensure the Index Manager Tool is not open at the time of the next indexing operation.