Keyoti SearchUnit API Docs
ExtractFiles Method (fileChooser, chosenFilePositions, filenames)
API DocumentationKeyoti.SearchEngine.UtilsZipExtractorExtractFiles(ZipExtractor..::..FileChooser, ArrayList, ArrayList)
Keyoti SearchUnit v6
Extracts desired files from the stream according to the delegate.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public Stream ExtractFiles(
	ZipExtractor..::..FileChooser fileChooser,
	ArrayList chosenFilePositions,
	ArrayList filenames
Public Function ExtractFiles ( 
	fileChooser As ZipExtractor..::..FileChooser,
	chosenFilePositions As ArrayList,
	filenames As ArrayList
) As Stream
fileChooser (ZipExtractor..::..FileChooser)
FileChooser delegate that determines if a file should be extracted
chosenFilePositions (ArrayList)
Empty ArrayList into which 2 element Int64 (long) arrays will be added, each holding the start (first element) and end (second element) positions of the files in the expanded stream.
filenames (ArrayList)
List of filesnames found
Return Value
The files as in a concatenated stream.

Assembly: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core (Module: Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core.dll) Version: 2022.8.22.610