Product improvement is always on going, customers receive minor version updates for free.
Improvements in v3.2
- Java FX support with native FX dialog and JAR
- Undo added
- Multiple textbox support added to dialog mode spell check
- Dictionary caching
- URL/email ignoring (optional)
Improvements in v2.2
- Improved speed related bug with certain JDK versions
- RapidSpellGUIDialog class added, extends JDialog instead of JFrame like RapidSpellGUI
- New memory optimization properties added
- Improved as you type performance in large documents
- It is now possible to customize the popup suggestions menu, and to control underline painting
- Improved suggestions for short (2 or 3 letter) words
- XML/HTML support added to RapidSpellAsYouType
Improvements in v2.1
- As-you-type checking added
- Dictionary updates
- Improved multiple text box checking
Improvements in v2
- Customizable dictionaries
- XML/HTML friendly
- Multilingual UI text for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
- 2 suggestions engines ('sounds like' and 'hashing')
- Huge improvements in dictionary load speed, document checking and suggestions speed
- More behavior customization
- Improved dictionaries
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