quote:Would there be a need to delimit the different parts when they are put into the search index? For example: I see below that you simply concat all the words together. Would, say, the last word of the first document then be matched as a phrase with the first word of the 2nd document?
quote:About ARRB:ARRB Group Ltd (ARRB) provides information services to the road research, consulting and applies research outcomes to and transport industry. ARRB road and traffic information and develop equipment that collects software that assists with decision ARRB is the leading provider of making across road networks. road research and best practice workshops in Australia.ServicesQ u a lit y assu r a nceAs a centre for road infrastructure expertise, ARRB has been developing and offering services for over 30 years. These services have been fundamental in improving road quality in Australia.ARRB is at the forefront of service provision and is accredited with ISO 901:208.ARRB Group Ltd ABN 68 004 620 651 www.arrb.com.auARRB's two laboratories (in Melbourne and Perth) both comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:205, with ARRB maintaining the accreditation since May 20. In 208, ARRB established an FWD calibration facility operating under the FHWA FWD Calibration Protocol 207. ARRB has the ability to calibrate the full range of FWD equipment.MATERIALS, PAVEMENT & CONCRETE DESIGN & TESTING | INFRASTRUCTURE AS ET MANAGEMENT | SAFE SYSTEMS | L A N D T R A N S P O RT RE S O U R C E S & I N F O RM A T I O N | ROA D S A F E T Y |TRAF IC ENGINE RING |EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE & DATA COL ECTION SERVICES | T R A N S P O RT P O L I C Y , OP E R A T I O N S & E C O N O M I C S | KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER & CAPACITY BUILDING | HE A V Y V E H I C L E T E S T I N G & S I M U L A T I O N |PARKING |In 209, the entire scope of ARRB's Services department was externally audited to the requirements of ISO 901:208. ARRB's certification number is 14029 and covers the suply of equipment and associated services.Head Office:Australia, Victoria: 500 Burwood Highway Vermont South VIC 3133 Australia P: +61 3 9881 1555 F: +61 3 9887 8104 info@arrb.com.au Luxmoore Parking Consulting Ground Floor, 12 Wellington Parade East Melbourne, VIC 3002 Australia P: +61 3 9417 5277 F: +61 3 9416 2602 www.luxmooreparking.com.auRegional Offices:Western Australia: 191 Carr Place Leederville WA 6007 Australia P: +61 8 9227 3000 F: +61 8 9227 3030 arrb.wa@arrb.com.au Queensland: 123 Sandgate Road Albion QLD 4010 Australia P: +61 7 3260 3500 F: +61 7 3862 4699 arrb.qld@arrb.com.au South Australia: 121 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 Australia P: +61 8 7200 2659 F: +61 8 8423 4500 arrb.sa@arrb.com.au New South Wales: 2-14 Mountain St Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia P: +61 2 9282 4444 F: +61 2 9280 4430 arrb.nsw@arrb.com.auChina: Floor 13, Zhen Xing Building 118 North Hu Bin Road Xiamen PRC P: +86 592 2135 552 F: +86 592 2136 663 www.arrb-china.com.cnTrusted advisor to road authorities for technical input and solutionsJune 2012R o ad condition and inventory survey sP a vem e nt streng t h testingO t her servicesWhether your need is for a large-scale network survey, a local road system survey or ride quality test, ARB's Services department offers quality data collection, using ARB's own Hawkeye platform.ARB's pavement strength testing services are carried out using a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), which is a non-destructive testing device that provides data on the bearing capacity of road and airport pavements.In partnership with our colleagues and in-house development team, ARB's services department have developed complementary options to cater to the specific needs of our clients.ARB has built up extensive network survey experience over its many years of operation. This experience translates into the provision of accurate, reliable and time data, in accordance with national and international standards.Suitable for highways, local roads, railways and airport runways, FWD testing allows for more accurate and rapid measurement of pavement deflection under loads than traditional methods.Ride Quality TestingARB offers independent assessments of the surface characteristics during the post construction of pavements. Our testing is undertaken in accordance with the prevailing jurisdiction's test method, e.g. VicRoads or RTA.ARB maintains a fleet of over 10 dedicated survey vehicles, with various configurations to meet our clients' requirements, that can be driven anywhere in Australia for various types of data collection.The data can assist in applications such as pavement overlay design, pavement condition surveys and in the development and operation of a Pavement Management System (PMS).With trained survey operators located in Melbourne, New South Wales, Queensland and Perth, ARB Services has people on hand to provide quality data collection assistance for your next project.A dynamic load is generated by the dropping of a mass, similar to that of a moving vehicle or aircraft wheel loads, from a pre-set height. The magnitude of the load and the pavement response are measured by a load cell and nine geophones.ARB also routinely undertakes pre and post construction dilapidation surveys related to the creation of major infrastructure so as to provide an independent assessment of the impact on public roads.ARB Services is backed by an extensive support team, with over 20 years experience and knowledge in the data collection field.The FWD is equipped with DGPS, thus providing location information up to an accuracy of 1 metre and all data collected is in accordance with International Standard ASTM D 469- (203).Applications· Post maintenance / construction ride quality testing · Independent laser and imaging surveys for baseline data for infrastructure projectsServices offeredFeatures· Automated pavement surface assessments· Non-destructive testing of pavements with testing between 7 kN to > 240 kNAsset Management· Geometry and mapping surveys· Nine configurable geophone arrangements to suit rigid pavement testing and flexible pavements· Roadside inventory and asset management· Rigid and articulated pavement testing plates with both 30 m and 450 m diameter to suit most applicationsARB has the capability to assist your organisation with effective management of your road and bridge assets.· Road safety assessment · Airport runway maintenance· Outputs maximum deflection, curvature, multiple temperature sensor measurement, surface modulus, spatial and linear referencing and other client requirements· Advisory speed and travel times· Data is collected on time and within budget· Road construction quality testing· Post survey analysis undertaken in EFROMD3, ELMOD, ROSY and ExcelOur unique road and bridge asset management services provide innovative customer focussed solutions making it possible for your network manager to effectively manage the network to achieve best value.· Line reflectivity surveysFeaturesARB has a wealth of experience in providing asset management solutions, highlighted by the scope of our clients which range from local government through to statelevel, national and international organisations.· Multiple vehicle configurations for customised surveying options · Outputs include longitudinal profile, transverse profile, roughness, rutting, texture, cross-fall, slope, grade and both asset and pavement images · All data parameters collected in a single passHaving the right information is the first step in best practice asset infrastructure management. This information can be analysed to optimise road and bridge expenditure using long term, soundly based decision tools and expertise of ARB.· Safe and · Efficient and timely collection of data in both urban and highway environments · Trained professionals available for customised visual rating and post survey processing (completed using Hawkeye Processing Toolkit)SCALEABLESURVEYSOLUTIONSwww.arrb.com.auTrusted advisor to road authorities for technical input and solutions
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