If you visit "/results/important/" in a browser, it will presumably show either a directory list of files, or default.aspx or index.htm or something like that? Does that page have "filenumber" on it? That's why that link is coming up.
You can filter it out with
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SearchResult1.FilterLoadLevel = Keyoti.SearchEngine.Search.FilterLoadLevel.Everything;
SearchResult1.Configuration.CentralEventDispatcher.Action += new
void CentralEventDispatcher_Action(object sender, Keyoti.SearchEngine.Events.ActionEventArgs e)
if (e.ActionData.Name == Keyoti.SearchEngine.Events.ActionName.ResultItemsFinalized)
Keyoti.SearchEngine.Utils.ResultItemList results =
e.ActionData.Data as Keyoti.SearchEngine.Utils.ResultItemList;
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
[b] if (results[i].Title.EndsWith("/"))[/b]
i--;//need to rerun over this element number.
-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!