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I'm not sure what is going on here.
I used the developer window to examine the contents of the search results window.
The <div class="sew_resultitem"> has CSS in it to set the display to none. I tried removing it and got:
${title} ${Summary}
${KeywordHitMap} ${Location} ${Content}
It's as if the code on the page isn't being converted to useful output. Maybe there is a script error.
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Another question: When I develop the search page in visual studio and ran it, I get 55 results for "papal blessing". I then moved code to the local machine's site under the a search directory which is directly off the root. I now get 0 results for "papal blessing". I do get results for papal and blessing as single word searches. When I moved the code to the search directory, I had to copy the directories Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common & KeyotiSearchAdministration to the root of my site and put the Keyoti_Search_Index directory inside Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common in order to get the search running. I still needed Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common under the search directory as well. I wish I could have kept all the directories under the search folder. Anyways, I thought there might be a problem with the index so I indexed www.rcda.org. After waiting 4 hours, the results did not change. I get zero results using I can still see the 55 results when I run the project from within in Visual studio using localhost:52600. I tried searching the index in the Index Management tool and got 25 results. Any idea?
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The ASPX page: Code: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="search_results.aspx.vb" Inherits="Search.search_results" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
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} if (found) window.open(url, 'newWin'); else window.location.href = url; }
function stopRKey(evt) { //alert('key press'); var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null); var node = (evt.target) ? evt.target : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null); //alert(evt.keyCode); if ((evt.keyCode == 13) && (node.type == "text")) { return false; } }
//document.onkeypress = stopRKey; function init() { t = setTimeout("init2()", 1000); } function init2() { var links = document.getElementById('sew_resultList').getElementsByTagName('a'); var len = links.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (links[i].toString().indexOf(".pdf") > 0) { links[i].target = "_blank"; }
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<% Dim pg As String Dim page As Integer Dim qry As String Dim loc As String pg = Request.QueryString("pageNumber") If pg = "" Then pg = "1" End If page = Int(pg) page = page + 1 qry = Request.QueryString("query") loc = Request.QueryString("location") %> window.location = 'search_results.aspx?query=<%=qry%>&pageNumber=<%=page%>&location=<%=loc%>'; }
// JavaScript Document function check_search(inForm) {
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alert("You must provide a search term. Try again."); inForm.query.focus(); return false; } else if (inForm.query.value.length < 2) { alert("Invalid Search term. Search term must be at least 2 characters long."); inForm.query.focus(); return false; } window.location = 'search_results.aspx?query=' + inForm.query.value; return false;
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height:1px;"></div> <span class="sew_resultItemURL">${UriString}</span> <span class="sew_keywordHitMap">${KeywordHitMap}</span> <span class="sew_location">${Location}</span> <span class="sew_location">${Content}</span> </div> <div id="sew_resultFooter"></div> </div> </div> <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div></td> </tr> </table></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="footer" style="text-decoration:none; vertical-align:middle; height:50px;"><div align="center" style="text-decoration:none"><p> <a href="../index.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Home</span></a> | <a href="../our_bishop.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Our Bishop</span></a> | <a href="../history.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">History & Statistics</span></a> | <a href="../offices.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Offices</span></a> | <a href="../parishes.asp" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Parishes & Apostolates</span></a> | <a href="../resources.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Resources</span></a> | <a href="../events.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Events</span></a> | <a href="../links.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Links</span></a> | <a href="../site_map.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Site Map</span></a> | <a href="../contact_us.html" style="text-decoration:none" class="menubar_address_white"><span style="color:white">Contact Us</span></a><br /> <span class="menubar_address_white" style="color:white; 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Let me know if you need any of the supporting files... CSS, Images...
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Argh! I'm so sorry I made a mistake when I gave you the code before, there should have been a wrapping Code: <div id="sew_resultList"> ... </div>
around <div id="sew_resultItemTEMPLATE" eg. [code] <div id="sew_searchResultControl"> <div class="sew_ajax_loader_backer"><div class="sew_ajax_loader"></div></div> <div class="sew_ajax_error"> <span class='sew_errorTitle'>Error</span> <p class='sew_errorBody'></p> <div class="sew_ajax_error_footer"> <input type="button" value="OK" id="sew_errorOKButton" /> </div> </div> <div id="sew_resultView"> <div id="sew_resultHeader"> </div> <div id="sew_resultList"> <div id="sew_resultItemTEMPLATE" class="sew_resultItem"> <span class="sew_resultItemLink"><a href="javascript: openResult('${UriStringWithKeywords}')">${Title}</a></span> <span class="sew_resultItemSummary">${Summary}</span> <span class="sew_previewResultWrapper"><img alt="Click to preview the document text" src="/Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common/ResultPreview_Expander_Closed.png" onclick="keyotiSearchResultPreviewer.toggleResultPreview(this, '${UriStringAsStored}', '/Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common/ResultPreview_Expander_Closed.png', '/Keyoti_SearchEngine_Web_Common/ResultPreview_Expander_Opened.png')"/> <span class="sew_previewResultContent">Loading document...</span></span> <div style="clear:both; height:1px;"></div> <span class="sew_resultItemURL">${UriString}</span> <span class="sew_keywordHitMap">${KeywordHitMap}</span> <span class="sew_location">${Location}</span> <span class="sew_location">${Content}</span> </div> </div> <div id="sew_resultFooter"></div> </div> </div> For me it now works. -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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Regarding your other question, I am really shooting from the hip here as I was hoping to test it using my IIS, but IIS seems to be not playing ball right now, so.... The thing about your code is you are doing this window.location = 'search_results.aspx?query=' + inForm.query.value; Couple of things not exactly right, firstly I believe it should be window.location.href =, whether there is any difference or any browser where it wouldn't work, I don't know. Secondly, and this might have cause what you're seeing, since it's down to how the server handles the request, you really need to encode the inForm.query.value, eg. window.location.href = 'search_results.aspx?query=' + encodeURIComponent(inForm.query.value); otherwise your " and spaces are not going to be encoded at all and could be mishandled server side. Jim -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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Thanks for helping me get the template working. I now get results to show and documents like pdf, word & excel to open in a new window.
I will open a new thread for the indexer.