We have an issue when you have a lot of spelling errors, typing text becomes very slow and the cursor has a delay.
I can reproduce this with a single textbox:
<TextBox Name="TextBox1" Width="600" Height="600" AcceptsReturn="True" TextWrapping="Wrap" />
var spellCheckerAYT = new RapidSpellAsYouType();
To reproduce:
1. Paste the following text:
Lorem Ipsum is simmply dummmy texxt opf thpe priinting and typpesetting indupstry. Lorpem Ipsum has bepen thpe inpdustry's standpard dummpy tepxt evper sinpce tphe 1p500s, whpen an unknpown prinpter tpok a gpalley opf typpe and scrampbled it to mpake a typpe spepcimen boopk. It phaps spurvived not ponly fipve cpenturies, bput aplso the leapp intpo electrponic typesetpting, repmaining essentially punchanged. Ipt wpas popularised ipn thpe 19p60s wpith thpe replease of Letraset shepets contaipning Lorem Ipsum passapges, anpd mpore recpntly wipth depsktop publisphing sofptware like Aldus PageMaker inclupding verpsions of Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simmply dummmy texxt opf thpe priinting and typpesetting indupstry. Lorpem Ipsum has bepen thpe inpdustry's standpard dummpy tepxt evper sinpce tphe 1p500s, whpen an unknpown prinpter tpok a gpalley opf typpe and scrampbled it to mpake a typpe spepcimen boopk. It phaps spurvived not ponly fipve cpenturies, bput aplso the leapp intpo electrponic typesetpting, repmaining essentially punchanged. Ipt wpas popularised ipn thpe 19p60s wpith thpe replease of Letraset shepets contaipning Lorem Ipsum passapges, anpd mpore recpntly wipth depsktop publisphing sofptware like Aldus PageMaker inclupding verpsions of Lorem Ipsum.
2. Type some extra text in the textbox, you see this is very slow and the cursor has a delay.
Is there a solution for this issue?