Using the Index Management Tool, I keep getting an error with the same file during the indexing. It is a PDF file and the error that pops up is as follows:
Invalid Unicode code point found at index 0.
Parameter name: strinput
When I click on the "OK" button, it then stops the rest of the indexing so I can't complete indexing any files from that point on. Though it is getting through 90-95% of the files, I would prefer it index all of them. Any ideas what this error means and what I would need to fix it. Thanks
Update: This is the complete error message from the Documentindex.txt log
10/19/2017 08:17 AddDocument() on
http://www.apscservices....f/16/16-052-U_182_3.pdf caught an Exception Invalid Unicode code point found at index 0.
Parameter name: strInput at System.Text.Normalization.Normalize(String strInput, NormalizationForm normForm)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Utils.a.a(String A_0)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.k.a(Word A_0, Int32 A_1)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.k.a(Document A_0)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.k.b(Document A_0)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.q.a(Document A_0)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.q.a(Document A_0, a A_1, Boolean A_2)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.q.a(Document A_0, Boolean A_1, a A_2, Boolean A_3)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.DocumentIndex.a(Document A_0, a A_1)