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Hi all,
I have an issue using IgnoreList field during spell check process.
I will give an example to be more clear:
For example in the same text I have three same words that will be found as spelling mistakes that have differences in upper/lower case.
splling Splling SPLLING
Let's assume that I want to ignore "splling" word during spell check and add this word to Ignore list of the checker. After that I am trying to check the menthioned text and I see that the words
are still threated as mistakes even though I added their "lower case" copy into the list.
The question is: is there an option to disable case sensivity for Ignore list to ignore all possible cases of the word in the text?
Looking forward to your reply.
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Sorry there isn't an option to make the IgnoreList case insensitive, but you can use the AddWord method instead to add the word to the user dictionary which obeys the case rules you're hoping for. Otherwise adding 'Splling' and 'SPLLING' to ignore list yourself will cover most bases. Thanks for your question, Jim -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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Hi again!
In my case I have a user dictionary and ignore list at the same time so I am not able to use the first proposed approach. Moreover, I have to include user dictionary words to suggestion list so this is not an option at all. I will consider the second option you provided, thanks.
Can we expect this to be fixed in the nearest future or workarounds only must be considered?
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We'll have to look at this more closely to know if the behaviour should change, but let me ask you if you add "qqq" to the IgnoreList, would you expect "qQq" to be ignored too? -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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If I had a case insensitive parameter enabled (so we do not care about upper/lower case), I would expect 'qQq' also be ignored as we ignore the word 'qqq' in general. Does it make sense?
But again it mught be implemented as a boolean flag so each user of the libraries could enable/disable such behaviour.
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The problem is that IgnoreList serves a specific purpose for the spell checker and how you're using it is not necessarily inline with that. There is another way, you can do it like this RapidSpellChecker.AddIgnorePattern("qqq(?i)"); that words with Regex's, the only caveat is that it only supports 20 regexes and one of those is out URL matcher. That said we could expand it beyond 20. -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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I understand what you are talking about, however I have a list of predefined ignored words I should apply during spell check process. These ones are not expected to be used as suggestions.
At the same time I have a user dictionary with a set of predefined words that I expect to see as suggestions for a mistake (I enabled flag to include user dictionary words to suggestions). And of course I will not have the same word in two lists (regular and ignore dictionaries) at the same time.
You recommend me usage of IgnorePattern, but I do not know how many predefined ignored words I may have in the begining.
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Ok, I'll get you a new build with option to make ignore list case insensitive. I'm assuming you're using v5 -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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Sounds fantastic! Thanks a lot.
Here is currently v4 in use (Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb.ASP.NETv4.dll). I will check out why we are not using v5.
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The v4 in the DLL name is actually "ASP.NETv4", there's also a DLL with "ASP.NETv2". To find the real version number you can right click -> properties -> details. -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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OK, the Product version of it is even 3.8.
So, could you please tell me how I will be able to get a new build dll file?
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Sorry you'd need to purchase an upgrade to v5 https://keyoti.com/produ...b/upgradelicensing.html
We don't support v3 anymore, it is ancient. -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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I see. Thanks for all help you provided. I will check out the current situation.
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Hi Jim. I double-checked that and at the moment we have the latest license so we are able to use the latest build of the product. I was wondering if you could confirm that you have already added the option we discussed previously to the latest build or let me know when you are going to make the changes. Thanks in advance.
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Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/...apidSpell.NET4.dll?dl=0
Just set RapidSpellChecker.IgnoreAllCaseInsensitive = true -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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Hi Jim,
As I can see following the link, you shared Desktop NET version of the dll.
Can I have the change for Web ASP.NET dll?
Thanks in advance.
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Sorry my mistake! https://www.dropbox.com/...llWeb.ASP.NETv4.dll?dl=0-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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