Hi, my client has just found that this error's been happening for a month or so during the overnight re-import. It's been fine for ages before that.
(In \bin there's Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb.ASP.NETv2.dll with version and other dlls such as Keyoti4.SearchEngine.Core.dll with version 2012.5.14.423.)
Here's the error reported in KEYOTI_WINDOWS_SERVICE.txt:
05/26/2018 00:00 Reimport started
05/26/2018 02:21 Exception caught in the import process: Invalid Unicode code point found at index 3.
Parameter name: strInput StackTrace: at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.DocumentIndex.a(Document A_0, a A_1)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.DocumentIndex.a(Object A_0, AddDocumentEventArgs A_1)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSources.IndexableSource.OnAddedDocument(AddDocumentEventArgs e)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSources.FileSysDocumentStore.a(IndexableSourceRecord A_0, ArrayList A_1, String A_2)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSources.FileSysDocumentStore.a(Boolean A_0, ArrayList A_1, ArrayList A_2, String A_3, ArrayList A_4, ArrayList A_5, String
A_6, Boolean A_7, IndexableSourceRecord A_8, ArrayList A_9)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSources.FileSysDocumentStore.a(Boolean A_0, ArrayList A_1, ArrayList A_2, String A_3, ArrayList A_4, ArrayList A_5, String
A_6, Boolean A_7, IndexableSourceRecord A_8, ArrayList A_9)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSources.FileSysDocumentStore.Import(Boolean isRecursive, ArrayList targetMatches, ArrayList noRecurseMatches, String
loginURL, IndexableSourceRecord record)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.IndexableSources.FileSystemFolderBasedSource.Import()
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.Index.DocumentIndex.Import(IndexableSourceRecord indexableSourceRecord, IIndexableSource dataSource)
at Keyoti.SearchEngine.WindowsService.Task.a(Object A_0, ElapsedEventArgs A_1)
05/26/2018 02:21 Caused by reader threshold: False
05/26/2018 17:04 Service task (#0) started on index directory: E:\IndexDirectory
05/26/2018 17:04 Start hour is set for 0 in configuration.xml
05/26/2018 17:04 The first crawl/build should be performed after 415.547723733333 minutes
Any idea what might be going on?