>In the action of ResultItemsFinalized, is it possible to filter specific items in the list and delete them before sorting?
Yes, you can add/remove items from the list.
>Also, is there a way to tag specific result items with a CSS class or some other way to format individual items differently than the rest?
You could try setting an item in resultItem.CustomDataDictionary, eg. resultItem.CustomDataDictionary.Add( new KeyValuePaid("isSpecial", "true"));
and then see "Custom data dictionary fields" here
So I think you would then be able to do this in your template (sorry I haven't tried this, but I think it is correct)
<div id="sew_resultItemTEMPLATE" class="sew_resultItem">
<p class="${CustomDataDictionary.isSpecialDisplayClass}">
***** <span class="sew_resultItemLink"><a href="${UriStringWithKeywords}">${Title}</a></span>
<span class="sew_resultItemSummary">${Summary}</span>
and you will see that results where isSpecial is set the CSS class will be class="isSpecial" in the P tag, and when isSpecial is not set the class will be class="isSpecialNoContent"
So I think from there you can specify the isSpecial CSS class to look like you want.
-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!