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Is there a AutoCorrectionMap for the RapidSpellDialog? If not, can we implement it somehow or can this be added?
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Yes, add a handler to the RapidSpellDialog.CreateUserInterfaceFormPresenter event, eg. Code: private void rapidSpellDialog1_CreateUserInterfaceFormPresenter(object s, Keyoti.RapidSpell.Wpf.Event.CreateUserInterfaceFormPresenterEventArgs e) { e.NewPresenter = new CustomPresenter(); }
Then add the new class Code: class CustomPresenter : Keyoti.RapidSpell.Wpf.RapidSpellGUIPresenter {
protected override void Resume() { base.Resume(); if(theBadWord.Word=="jimm"){ List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("jim"); DialogView.SuggestionsListItems = l; ChangeWord(); } } }
Seems to work fine. Of course you'll want to change the lookup/correction from my name to items in the AutoCorrectionMap from AYT. Best Jim -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!Evaluation Downloads - http://keyoti.com/products-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!
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Cool that did it. Man, you are fast in your responses.
I am trying to implement a word replacment for acroniems that our clients set up. For example tc stands for telephone conference. I could hijack the AutoCorrectionMap, however for that I need to enable AutoCorrectEnabled. Probably not all our clients would want the autocorrection enbaled. So I implemented this for RapidSpellAsYouType:
FoundSpellingError += SpellAsYouType_FoundSpellingError;
static void SpellAsYouType_FoundSpellingError(object s, FoundSpellingErrorEventArgs e) { if (e.BadWord.Word == "tc"){ e.Replacement = "Telephone Conference"; } }
Is that the best way of doing it?
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Yep, that's a perfectly fine way of doing it. Jim -your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!Evaluation Downloads - http://keyoti.com/products-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!