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Spelling checking options - RapidSpell Desktop Java - Forum

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#1 Posted : Monday, December 12, 2011 7:06:54 AM
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Joined: 12/12/2011
Posts: 2

I'm now preparing dictionary for your spell checker but i have few questions.

I want to ask you if any of thiese things are possible:
- What is difference between methods? I could not found that from JavaDoc:
- setLookIntoHyphenatedText()
- setSeparateHyphenWords()
- setSuggestSplitWords()
- Is it possible to configure spell check engine to accept words with spaces (like "New York"?
- Is it possible to configure spell check engine accepts "New York", but does not accepts "new york"?

Thank you for your help.

Regards, Primoz Prislan.
#2 Posted : Monday, December 12, 2011 7:01:13 PM
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Joined: 10/20/2004
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Hi Primoz,

- setLookIntoHyphenatedText()
Whether to 'look into' text with hyphens (-), if the word has hyphens in it and LookIntoHyphenatedText is set true (default), the parts of the text around the hyphens will be checked individually.
Eg. "socio-economic" will be checked as "socio" and "economic".

Whether to treat hyphenated (-) words as separate words, default is false.
For eg. if this is true text like "cheap-deals" will be treated as two words "cheap" and "deals", otherwise this will be treated as one word "cheap-deals".

- setSuggestSplitWords()
Whether to look for connected words in suggestions.
if this=true then suggestions may include joined words.
Eg; suggestions for "yourhouse" will include "your house"

- Is it possible to configure spell check engine to accept words with spaces (like "New York"?
'New York' should be accepted I believe. You can add capitalized versions of the words to the main dictionary (when using a Dict file) so that those words are accepted.

- Is it possible to configure spell check engine accepts "New York", but does not accepts "new york"?
Not really no. Spell checkers typically do not look at phrases, just words.



Dan Wright

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Dan Wright
#3 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2011 10:15:57 AM
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Posts: 2

So what is difference between "setLookIntoHyphenatedText" and "setSeparateHyphenWords"? What will happen if I set both to "true".
Maybe my English is not good enough, but I don't see any difference in your explanation.

And our other hand what is difference between "setSuggestSplitWords" and "setCheckCompoundWords"?

#4 Posted : Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:23:08 PM
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Joined: 10/20/2004
Posts: 456

The API for RapidSpell Desktop Java can be found here, http://keyoti.com/produc...pidspell/api/index.html

LookIntoHyphenatedText is better than SeparateHyphenWords; it will disallow hyphenated words that are not in the dictionary and if the parts are not in the dictionary as well. SeparateHyphenWords will just treat hyphenated parts separate.

CheckCompoundWords is used to check if words are made of compound forms - to be used with German and Dutch languages

SuggestSplitWords is fine to use with any language but will require more CPU.


Dan Wright
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