Thanks, are you setting ClientIDMode in your page at all?
There are somethings that I'm unclear on.
1. How are you running our SearchResult control in a HTML page? ResultPageURL="~/search.html"
2. The output here is weird
var t=document.getElementById('');
the server control is supposed to output var t=document.getElementById('<ClientID>');, but somehow the ClientId of the control is empty - I've seen a couple of instances on the net relating to parent and child controls. Could you give me some context as to where the SearchBox control is housed? Also, is it in controls that are added dynamically? During which page event are they added?
I'm guessing you either have ClientIDMode set to something other than default (which we should handle, but perhaps are not) or you have SearchBox inside a control that is added late in the page lifecycle and for some reason the ClientID isn't being assigned.
-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!