Hi, sorry wildcards aren't supported in the ignore paths.
However you are right, you can do it with a plug-in. The event you want to hook up to is IsFileSystemDocumentToBeIndexed (for filesystem source imports, where we scan a folder) or IsDocumentToBeIndexed (for crawled imports).
The Data property related to IsFileSystemDocumentToBeIndexed events is
IsFileSystemDocumentToBeIndexedEventData, which has Url, FileSystemPath and WillIndex properties. You set WillIndex to false if desired.
For IsDocumentToBeIndexed, the Data property is
https://keyoti.com/products/search/dotNetWeb/HtmlHelp6/html/e05aa5b4-c037-d87f-74ad-8fe36d71c653.htm with a Document property and WillIndex
-your feedback is helpful to other users, thank you!