I need to use the component as part of a site. I have managed to integrate the model but it wont pick up the license.licx file which i manually created and added to my VS project.
This is my licx file:
Keyoti.Thesaurus.Windows.Thesaurus, Keyoti.Thesaurus.Windows
is this correct?
When i try and compile it i get:
An instance of type 'Keyoti.Thesaurus.Model.ThesaurusEngine' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for the type 'Keyoti.Thesaurus.Model.ThesaurusEngine'. Please, contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.
This is my test code:
static Keyoti.Thesaurus.Model.IThesaurusEngine model;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ArrayList myalist = Thesaurus().GetAllSynonyms("apples");
foreach (string syn in myalist)
Response.Write(syn + "<BR>");
public Keyoti.Thesaurus.Model.IThesaurusEngine Thesaurus(){
if(model == null){
model = new Keyoti.Thesaurus.Model.ThesaurusEngine();
return model;